Top 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

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Our home comfort equipment can be an unsung hero in the home.

More often than not, they go unnoticed until something goes wrong.

Whether it be a central A/C, a furnace, or a heat pump, if you have an HVAC system that’s not running like it should and you’re looking for help, you’re in the right place. The heating and cooling consultants here at Circleville Heating & Cooling are always here to help!

In the following, our NATE-certified team members list our Top 5 HVAC troubleshooting Tips every Pickaway County area homeowner should know. If none of these tips help resolve the problem, give us a call right away and we can discuss the problem. We’re always more than happy to help.

Check Your Thermostat 

Sometimes, an HVAC system’s thermostat can cause problems that affect home comfort systems. To determine whether this is the reason for your HVAC problem, adjust the thermometer and see if the HVAC system responds to the change. If it doesn’t, your thermostat is probably the source of the problem. Additionally, you should also check the batteries before taking the next step of calling a professional.

Check Your Power Source

If your HVAC system is down, before picking up that phone you’ll want to check the power source. If you have a gas furnace, check the control valve and make sure you have fuel. Sometimes, a loss in service can be caused by something as simple as a circuit breaker or a fuse. If the problem is the power source, the solution is easy and shouldn’t cost a lot.

Check Your Air Filters 

Checking and replacing your HVAC systems’ air filters is something every homeowner needs to remember to do regularly and consistently. Doing so enables your HVAC unit to run more efficiently with proper airflow, and prevents a lot of other problems, including full system failure. If it needs changed, simply locate the filter on your unit and swap it out for a new one.

Check Your Outdoor Equipment

If your home heating or cooling system isn’t performing like it should, make sure to check your outdoor equipment. Make sure it’s clean and clear of all debris like shrubs, leaves, weeds, yard waste, and snow. This is one of our essential HVAC troubleshooting tips, as it can often prevent small issues turning into much larger and much more expensive problems.

Check & Clean Your Air Vents

Check all your air vents and registers to see if any of them are blocked or clogged or obstructed by anything in any sort of way. If there is something covering or blocking any of them, remove it and make sure your HVAC system has proper airflow. This will improve the efficiency of your HVAC equipment.

If that don’t work, call us right away!

If you have questions or need help with an HVAC problem, call Circleville Heating & Cooling today at (740) 281-5323.